Monday, July 20, 2009

Lucky in Love...

Mark and I celebrated our first anniversary this past weekend. I can't believe it has already been a year! Mark kept on telling me all last week that he had a GREAT idea on how to celebrate, but I asked him to surprise me. However, Friday night he let it slip since he was so excited :) He booked a room at the Hotel Monaco in Salt Lake for Saturday night. It was really nice! We were bummed out though because it didn't have a pool. We wanted to go swimming! It was still nice to "get away from it all," even if it was only 45 mins away.

In our Junior Suite

Once in Salt Lake, we went to this delicious Italian restaurant in the Gateway called Biaggi's. We took the Trax to get there. I had never been on Trax before, it was a little nicer than the metro back in D.C. I was thrilled because I expected the restaurant to be really expensive, but really the menu was no more expensive than the Olive Garden and the food was 20 times better! I hope to go back there soon. Mark and I stuffed our faces and felt rather sick afterward. It didn't help that the temperature outside was at 101 degrees while we waddled around the Gateway from shop to shop trying to "walk it off."

My lasagna was to die for...

As you can see, we cleaned up our lobster and crab dip quite nicely, and Mark got the seafood pasta

On Sunday morning (our anniversary), I was reluctant to leave the hotel since I love being in Salt Lake so much. But, once we got back to Provo, it felt good to be home :) we had planned to make spaghetti for dinner, but since we had Italian food the night before, we just decided to make a salad and eat cake! We got a Coldstone cake since our wedding cake is still in VA (and I'm not so sure we would want to eat it anyways since it's a year old.)

Mark in his "MARK ALLAN 4 LIFE" shirt. There is a story behind that...

In high school, Mark was pretty much the school heart throb. Every girl either hated him or loved him, and I am convinced that those that claimed to hate him secretly loved him (since I played that card for a while myself). Anyway, I had a couple of close friends my age who were also infatuated with Mark. One of them made shirts for Christmas with the above message on front (with his name spelled incorrectly, maybe to be more covert? I don't think that worked) and on the back it said our names along with a heart and Marks initials underneath that. I am not kidding. Mark knew about these T-shirts and wanted one for himself, so he took one of them (that wasn't mine). When we started dating, he felt it more appropriate if he wore my shirt since it says "Katy loves M.A." on the back. He tends to wear it on special occasions :)

We had a wonderful anniversary together! I am very lucky to have a romantic husband. I can't wait until valentines day! I have some ideas up my sleeve...


  1. So happy that you had such a wonderful anniversary!

  2. Ok, you have to email me your ideas for Valentine's day. I need something for E's bday. I got nuttin.

  3. You cleaned up your "crap dip"? Please explain.

    I remember the Mark "Allan" T-shirts. Didn't know he had stolen one of them. Good for a laugh.

  4. So why am I the last to know about your blog???? Happy Anniversary! See you soon.

  5. hahaha...crap dip. big typo, thanks for pointing that out mom.

  6. that is awesome Katie... I am so glad you had such a great anniversary! if you need some cupcake idea for Valentines let me know.. i have a few good ones I am saving.
