Friday, July 10, 2009

Creepy Crawlies

The Summer months seem to have invited every little insect and spider in the area to our apartment. I have frequent encounters with these little creatures. As mentioned in a previous post, I am terrified of spiders. However, I have faced my fears (when Mark is not available) made use of my winter boots in July. Those suckers don't stand a chance against them. Now, I just look forward to a day where I won't see a little something scurrying across the floor near my feet. I don't know how many more freak outs I can endure before inducing a heart attack. Yes, I am aware of my young age, but I am convinced that my body has aged 15 years faster than normal due to:
  • my bad back
  • varicose veins (gross)
  • my desire to take frequent naps
  • my severe inflexibility
  • gray hairs every now and then...(maybe they are just really blonde?)
Looks like Mark will have to ship me off to assisted living sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

  1. When I told you this morning you are "golden," I didn't realize I might inadvertently add to your complex about aging early. You know I meant it as the best possible kind of compliment, right?

    Sorry about the bugs. Wish I were there to use your winter boots on them. If I can kill a big, fat snake in the garage, then going after spiders, even in multiples, seems next to nothing.

    Maybe that's the solution: When you come home in August, I will take you into the forest to kill a few snakes the way my uncles did in their corn fields when I was a kid. This will surely place the ridding of creepy crawlers into the "easy task" category.
