Monday, June 15, 2009

Entering the Blogosphere...

Ok, so I cracked. I thought blogging was only for people who had really cute babies (which I don't have yet). But, I noticed a lot of my married and single friends have blogs as well. I like looking at them too. Even my brother Jess has a blog. I never thought I would do this, but I think it will be fun. Lets hope I actually update this!


  1. yay you have a blog!!!! I'm so excited! We've matured from the facebook stage to the BLOG!

  2. haha yes! I am quite sick of facebook frankly, so I have moved on :) Can't wait to see you this weekend!

  3. YEAH KATY!! I can't wait to read more of your adventure. Btw... we are terrified of Spiders too. You should hear the screams that come from Christina when she sees one. It can shake your brain it is so high pitched.


  4. Katykins, here's hoping you don't follow in your mother's footsteps when it comes to blogging. I have become downright lazy and do not know if I will ever write another post. Jess also admits that after a single post, he's feeling lazy, too. We are cheering you on to out do us!

    I do like the thought that you are keeping a journal, just as you should. I also think your blog wallpaper is awesome. I am just not technogically savvy enough to come up with such a cute design. So glad you are.
