Friday, April 23, 2010

ShE's CrAfTy!

In Fall semester of 2009, I was able to take floral design at BYU. The tests and quizzes were surprisingly difficult (I had to memorize all the botanical and common names for flowers among other things), but I absolutely LOVED the labs. I got to make my own floral arrangements. It was so nice to have fresh flowers in my home every week. I miss it!

umm... obviously i didn't make the pie in floral design. BUT...I did make this pie (and I cried a lot during the process). Making homemade pie crust and pie topping is hard work! It was really good that I made Mark take it to work with him so I wouldn't get fat =p I admire all you homemakers who actually enjoy baking...its tough stuff!

I made a bunch of boutonnieres and I made Mark pose with one before we went to BYU Homecoming :)

My favorite arrangement

The bouquet I made. The quality of flowers I used weren't the best, but I loved the handle!

The "everlasting design" (fake flowers)--I LOVE Hydrangea

The gift basket I made for my uncle

Me with my very first flower arrangement


  1. Beautiful!! You are so talented Katy!!

  2. haha thanks Kelsey, I'm just trying to keep up with you :)

  3. you went to byu homecoming and didn't put up pics????? girrrl

  4. yeah we didnt take any. we had pictures taken there. but they didnt send them to us :(
