Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Disney World

This past week, I was able to go to Disney World with my nieces and nephew to see "Icky, Innie, Oofy" (this is how precious Lauren, age 2, pronounces the Disney characters names). It was hard keeping track of everyone, but the little ones had a blast!

At lunch with Winnie the Pooh and friends, Lauren had eyes for Piglet. She ended up chasing after him while he went table to table to visit all the kids. She was very upset when she was returned to our table, screaming "PIIIGWWWWET!"

My Dad seemed pretty mortified when I jumped in the picture with Tigger. It was one of those "seriously?" looks. From then on, I fought the urge to get pictures with some of my favorite characters...even though the temptation was high at the Princess Luncheon we had at Cinderella's Castle.

I have a ton of pictures, so I will probably post more later. The weirdest thing I noticed at Disney World was that they actually sold alcohol there. Why in the world would you sell alcohol at a place for CHILDREN? I'm sure there are reasons but I just don't think it is appropriate.

It was a tough trip, driving from Virginia all the way to Florida with two little ones in the backseat. I'm not particularly fond of roadtrips... it was nice to spend time with family, though. Mark stayed home in Utah since he couldn't take off work, and I've been missing him like crazy! I finally get to see him tomorrow after 2 weeks of being apart. So long!


  1. I love the little girls braids... cute!

  2. You didn't mention me as the photographer who took all the pictures on your camera... without me you would have no photo proof that you took a picture with Tigger.

  3. There's no shame in wanting to take pictures with the Disney princesses!!! Or any of the Disney characters for that matter! :) As proof I have an entire photo album (along with a filled autograph book, yes i'm serious) of a friend, let's call her Brhitney Mohnson, (who was 23 at the time) with all of the characters she came across on her Disney World visit. She would be super jealous of the Disney Princess Luncheon you attended. She was only able to meet Belle & Jasmine. I'll have to tell her about that! :)

  4. Katy M'Lady: Ms. Brhitney Mohnson is correct that we would love to have had you in EVERY picture with the Disney characters--Poppy especially. You are still our baby. You know that.

    Now for business: I have tried this morning to create a link from my blog to yours, but I cannot remember how. Isn't that sad?????
